1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you live?
4. Have you ever been a GM before?
yes a test gm for few servers rank 3 gm test
5. What experience do you have with WoW?
little more over a year
6. What do you do for a living?
7. How often do you play?
whenever i can
8. What time zone do you live in?
gmt +1
9. What hours can you be available?
can't tell ya exactly
10. How long have you played on WoW-Blanco?
11. How many hours do you spend a day on the WoW-Blanco Forums/Server?
bout 1 hour on forum but haven't played on server yet
12. Have you ever been banned on WoW-Blanco? For what reason?
13. Why would you be a good WoW-Blanco GM?
bout that "good" gm only players can tell if a gm is good or bad but i am preety good
14. What interests you most about the Game Master position?
helping the server, getting new players on the server, advertising server on multiple websites
15. How would you control an event than got out of control?
find the troublemakerand see what is the problem and try to talk to him nice but if he is arrogant the it is kick,kick, and if continues again unfortenaly bann couse i hate banning ppl
16. If there was one thing you would suggest the WoW-Blanco server should change, add, or remove, what would it be?
nothing just get .com website
17. As a Game Master, what is the most important thing you can do?
see to it that the rules are followed
18. If you saw a hacker, how would u deal with them? Would you ban them right away or at least talk to them first?
i would talk to them first, couse i was a hacker too but i have my ways19. If a player spams you questions how would you deal with them?
silence him/her and talk to the player to see what is the problem20. If you see an player getting fustrated at another player, would you react or wait a while and see what comes of it?
well if it is something foolish i would just tell them to stop but if sumthing serious like mocking at someones nationality or religion for example it would be a non warning bann
"WITH POWER COMES A GREAT RESPONSABILITY" a wise man said long time ago